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Budget Attacks Equality And Forgets Women

Responding to the budget today (Wednesday 23rd March), TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber said:

"It is deeply depressing that the only mention of equality in today's budget was related to scrapping the dual discrimination regulations.

By the government's own calculations, the changes to the personal tax allowance will benefit more men than women - and they fail to take into account the fact that many working women are in low-paid jobs and part-time employment so they do not earn enough to even pay tax in the first place.

We now have over a million women without work - and it is young women who are suffering the most. TUC research has identified a sharp increase in young female unemployment. In the South West it has trebled, while in the North West, Yorkshire, West Midlands, South East and Scotland it has almost doubled.

The Chancellor's budget today forgot women and does nothing to address inequality."

Source TUC

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